
Adaptive large scale remote executions deployment


If TakTuk is useful for you or is used as a building basis for one of your project please let me known by submitting a new entry to the feedback tracking system present in the contact section. This will provide me strong arguments to convince my boss that TakTuk is indeed a good project and that I should keep on developing it. This will also help us getting support from our funding institutions.


TakTuk is distributed free of charge under the GNU GPL license which complete text is included in the package.


TakTuk-3 is completely written in Perl. Thus, it should run seamlessly on most systems (obviously on all UNIXes including Mac OS X and hopefully on Windows with some effort). The OS requirements to run TakTuk (either on local and remote nodes) are the following:

Download TakTuk

Thanks to Lucas Nussbaum, TakTuk is part of the unstable branch of the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. I strongly acknowledge him for his help regarding TakTuk testing and packaging.

Thus, if you have included the unstable branch to your apt configuration, the following command should be sufficient to install TakTuk:

apt-get install taktuk
Possibly completed by:
apt-get install libtaktuk0 libtaktuk0-dev
Informations about the taktuk package can be found here.

For those who do not use the Debian GNU/Linux operating system, here are TakTuk stable releases tarballs:

You can also have a quick look at known bugs for these releases and at the ChangeLog file that report briefly the evolution with each new release.

Related downloads

For simple parallel tasks that have to be executed on regular machines such as clusters, TakTuk syntax is too complicated. Kanif is a TakTuk wrapper for cluster management and administration. It provides an easier and familiar syntax to cluster administrators while still taking advantage of TakTuk characteristics and features (adaptivity, scalability, portability, autopropagation and informations redirection). It is available for download on this site in the kanif section.

Brice Videau wrote a wrapper that organizes TakTuk output into a ruby class hierarchy and ouput it as structured informations. Unfortunately, this wrapper is not yet packaged. Nevertheless, manual installation is not very complicated and you can directly download the files from the TakTuk output wrapper repository

POLARIS INRIA Project team